Pancake Day

🥞 Happy Pancake Day! Or Shrove Tuesday.

🥞 My mum always gets a craving for something sweet or either American or British pancakes. Today American pancakes won over.

🥞 I prefer having my American, fluffy pancakes with butter and maple syrup. But with British pancakes (which I see more like crêpes), I prefer having it with Nutella and chopped, fresh strawberries.

🥞 The first time I had British pancakes was when I had a sleepover in Year 7. I was so confused that everyone was calling them pancakes – when to me, they were crêpes. We had them with lemon and sugar, and I liked it so much that I told my mum. Once my mum tried them, that’s now her go-to topping combination 😂.

🥞 How do you like your pancakes?

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